Saturday, November 7, 2009

Day 1st in Ukraine

Thank you for your nice comments and thank you for praying and thinking about us.
Yesterday , about 2 pm (Ukrainian time) we made it safely to Kiev. We were really, really tired. We almost didn't sleep on our flights, it's almost 48 hours with no sleep. Daniel couldn't sleep ether, its was hard for all of us. Very thankful for Lufthansa baby basinets that they have. DAniel was able to get 3 hours of sleep, basinet was too small for him, his legs were sticking out, but he felt much better.

Now, we are at Sergey's cousin apartment, and in 4 am we are all awake and ready to eat, very hungry. When we came yesterday, we didn't go to sleep until about 8 pm. Even we were really tired and ready to go to a bed, but tried not to. Because if we would go to sleep around 4-5 pm yesterday, we would be awake at 1 or 2 in the morning. Yesterday we went to supermarket, got some stuff for Daniel, exchange money, and got phone card. Today, me and Sergey would probably sleep more, but Daniel was ready to get up, so we are up.

Plans for today: do nothing, get some rest, and try to change Daniel to current time. I will try to give Daniel only 2 naps today, and put him to bed around 10 pm, and hopefully this will work, and he will wake up at least 6-7 in the morning, we can deal with that. :))))))))))))

We will try to meet our facilitator today, if he can, if not today then tomorrow. We are thinking a lot about our appointment, and we are ready to find out who God had prepare for us and why are we here!

When we can i will try to post some pictures.


Shelly and Carol said...

Hey guys!
Glad you made it here safely. We understand about the time and being tired. Call us when you can so we can meet somewhere in Kiev soon. We've learned the metro real well.

Zack, Jenn and William said...

So glad you arrived safely!