Friday, February 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Daniel James!!!

Today is Daniel's J birthday, and also exactly two month as we came home with him.
Wow, it's been already 2 month, and he is doing so good. He changed a lot. We didn't have any big or a lot of problems with him, but even in little areas it's been a lot of changes in him. I do have few questions for adoptive parents, who had adopt older kids , but I will probably talk/ask later, not today.

2,5 month ago in the orphanage

Taking a walk outside

In his classroom


home, ready to blow his candle, and go to sleep(we came too late back from Chuck E Cheese)

At Chuck E Cheese posing

At relatives house

It was a nice day, and I think DJ like it a lot. He been waiting for his birthday for sooo long. He been asking , and talking almost everyday about HIS birthday.
He still did go to school today, and after he came home, he opened his presents, grandma came to say Happy Birthday to him, and after that we went to Chuck E Cheese.
He was going "crazy" about everything. He was keep telling us "thank you" all evening.

Again, Happy Birthday DJ!!! We love you and happy you are part of our family, you are our son!!!

1 comment:

ArtworkByRuth said...

Happy Birthday! He has matured too in his photos! Congratulations!