Monday, January 4, 2010

Please help

I am still trying to figure out how to post pictures. How can I post a picture, so you can see a small picture, and when someone click on the picture they can see "same,one bigger picture"? Ok, Thank you so much Marcie, now I know how to post pictures with out uploading them to internet first.

My 2 Daniels :))))


The McEacherns said...

So sweet! Congratulations and welcome home!

The McEacherns said...

There is a button to upload pictures into your post. It sort of looks like a little picture, and when you click on it, you can select pictures from your computer and also pick which size you want them to be in your post. Whether or not they can be enlarged when clicked on depends on the pixel size of the picture. If you used a smaller pixel setting on your camera, the pictures will stay the same size. Hope that helps you some!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for you help, it's so simple now when I know :)))). I didn't even see that button. This is perfect, and this is what I wanted

Thank you so much