Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Nothing much....

Sergey appointment, for his arm, went well. He is taking his antibiotics now, and some vitamin C, and it's already better. The first day, Friday, antibiotics made him sick, but after that one day,he was fine. Sergey forgot to ask his doctor, name of those things that he has on his arm, but it's not that important now. I am happy that medicine is helping him.

Daniel J is doing good in school.I am so proud of him, he is trying so hard. He has a lot of energy and cannot sit in one place for long time. He is trying to communicate with other kids in school with his hands, and it's not ok at school, a lot of kids take it personal and he was getting in trouble. We are trying to explain as best as we can , what is ok, and what is not. It's so hard for him in school with out language, but I know he will pick up a language very quck because he is a smart boy.

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