Friday, January 8, 2010

My student

January 4, Sergey was off work, and we went to sign up Daniel J for school. He been talking about going to school since we came home, and was counting days when he will go to school. I think he was missing other kids.

His school is really nice, and staff is wonderful. All morning Daniel J was not too happy, he was still nice, and good boy, just not too happy. And after we told him that he will start school tomorrow we got to the car he start crying. After a little talk with him he told us that he will miss me when he will be in school, and he is scared that we will leave him in school and never come back for him. I felt so bad, and we had a long talk about how much we love him, and that we will always come back for him.

January 5, was first day of school for Daniel J and me. It was so hard for me to take him to school and leave him there. I was standing there and watching him around other kids as long as I could. I was trying to be strong for him so when I got to the car only then I started crying. I felt so bad leaving him there along, and not be able to be there with him and for him. All day long I was watching time, and thinking to go and see how he is. But I made it to the end of the day, and then went to pick him up from school.
He liked his school, class and everything a lot. I am so happy for him, and I am not too worry now about taking him, and leaving him at school.

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