Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Day 8-Boys are with us

In the morning we wanted to go to local market to buy few things for boys, and get their airplane bag(gotcha backpack) ready in case I will have to go back US earlier and Sergey will stay during waiting period. But we remembered that markets on Sunday and Monday are closed, and we decided to go there on Tuesday or Wednesday.

Around noon we called an orphanage to see if we can come and see boys. We asked if we can take boys to Kiev with us to spend a day together and a night, and bring them back to the orphanage next day. They did let us!!!
At 3 pm we got to the orphanage and boys were already ready with their backpacks packed. Sergey had to write a note, and put the time when we will bring them back, and sign, and this was it, we were off with our handsome little guys.

Daniel A and Stanislav N are great little boys, and we feel so blessed to hold them, kiss them, and have opportunity to become their parents. I will write different post about their personalities and other info.
Here is our day in pictures! I hope you will enjoy it  we really did!!!

Our princess eating borsh for breakfast.
 We had to take 3 different public transportation to get to boys.  Subway for 30 minutes, we dont have pictures from subway. Then a big bus for 10 minutes,
  and then a little bus for 40 minutes.

 This sigh says: Stops request loud and ahead of time and the red one says: There is no stops here and there :) This made me smile
 And then a 20 minutes walk  to get to the orphanage.

Back to Kiev we took a taxi, because we didn't know how boys will act,and if they will be a good boys :)  And actually we are so proud of them, they were great behaved boys all the time! We did enjoyed them a lot!
 We ate at Puzata Xata, and I think this is the cheapest place to eat. We try to eat at home, but at lease once a day we go for hot food to Puzata Xata. We don't have a frying pan, or any other things to cook with at our apartment.

 These two are so cute together. Daniel A love his little sister, he is huge help, and he is always watching after here.
 There were a lot of things going on Kreschatik Street, and it was closed for weekend, and 1530 years of Kiev City. 

 My little cuties :)))

 Cotton Candy
 Daniel A, ElliAna and Stasik and they called me mommy :))) I am so blessed
 Playing with this little thing, that you can throw high in the sky with rubber band. It was fun, everyone was waiting for their turn.

Boys wasnt' sure if a guys is alive! It was funny, Stasik made everyone laugh when he came running back, yelling," Mommy, mommy I saw his red eyes, and they moved, he is alive " :))))
 Helping daddy to get stroller up the stairs:) They love to help

Big brother reading to his sister :) He offered to read to her

Before bed, skyping with boys and gram-ma at home
 That night they had this huge live concert outside, it was on  stage that was build earlier that week
 It was thousands people everywhere
 This is the stage

We are so thankful for this opportunity and we did enjoyed our boys!  We got to know boys better, and we are happy to have this time. God is great God!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow Tatyana, love the pictures. That is great you got to take the boys with you for the day and they called you mommy! :)