Monday, May 30, 2011

Danik's first wedding

Sunday we were invited to the wedding. My husbands best friend was getting married. Sergey was in charge of  microphones, and all this sound/music/volume stuff. :))) At the last moment I decided to go to the wedding, and I knew it would be hard.
 Danik never been to the wedding, and I wasn't sure how big crowd, loud music, a lot of new stuff will affect him, and Denny doesnt' remember his last wedding, and being very very active 3 year old, I knew it will be hard. Boys did great, I am very proud of my sons, I had to take some coloring books, toys, and other stuff to keep boys busy, but Danik didn't need all of that, he was just watching everybody, and asking a lot of questions :))

Baby, ElliAna, it's a different story, she is a baby and like to run, run, run  and sometimes she turn her head to see if mommy chasing her :))) and it's ok if mommy is not behind her, she is keep running :)  I don't remember nothing from this wedding, kiddos :) I was happy that I got a chance to be there, and celebrate Sergey's best friend BIG Day. And here is few pictures!
                                  My little cuties! Love them, and can't not imagine my life with out them!

In the car, on our way back home, everyone is tired and ready to go home (especially mommy)


Anonymous said...

Very cute kids! I have found that boys like to run, run, run and roll around and wrestle. Our new little daughter, she likes to sit, sit, sit and talk, talk, talk!


By the way, praying that all works according to God's good plan for your upcoming adoption.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your prayers! We really need prayers! Our baby girl is still not talking, and she is like our boys, love to run, run, and run. I bet there will be a day when our girl will sit, sit, sit and talk, talk, talk :))) Looking forward to that day....(not) lol