Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Great News!!!

Today we got an e-mail from our home study agency.......and guess what?! Yes, they finally did get a result of my Child Abuse Index clearance! We are so happy!

So now, we have to wait for our facilitator to make all the correction on the final copy of our home study. It's probably fine, but we just want to be sure that it's perfect, so we don't have to make all the corrections after it's already finalized, and notarized. So if everything is perfect, and our facilitator will be able to make all the corrections today (I don't think so, as far as we know he is on vacation this week), but by Monday we hope to have everything done, and have our home study in our hands by next Wednesday.
After we have it, we will take it to apostle and the same day send it to Ukraine.............wow.... I can't believe that this day is getting closer and closer!!!!!!

Thank you so much for everyone prayers!!! God Bless you All, and all your families!!!!


Shelly and Carol said...

Congratulations!! I know you are so happy to have this done. Things will start picking up pace soon. All in His timing!

ArtworkByRuth said...

YEAH! The paperwork chase and the waiting are some of the hardest seasons of adoption! Praying you travel before the holidays! God Bless!

The McEacherns said...

Good for you! We just got good news, too! Our SDA app't is on September 22nd!