Thursday, August 6, 2009

Much better now...:)

We were very disappointed today, I didn't even want to write anything in my blog. But now I feel much better. Spending time with my family, playing with my baby son, and see my husband smile, and get few hugs from helped me a lot. Also talking to my friend Carol, made me smile a lot! Thank you Carol for being with us, talking to me, and thank you again for all your help with our paperwork. I don't know what would I do with out you...........seriously! Big THANK YOU! God Bless you and your family!

Now little bit about our day.............

We had a very interesting day. Our doctor appointment.........didn't happen. My doctor e-mailed me today in the morning and he told me that we don't need an appointment we can just come to his office when he is ready. So I had to cancel our appointment with notary lady, and I had to tell her that we will make another appointment with her.

So, doctor is still want to take a look at our forms first and then he will let us know when and how he will fill them out and a notary can come to do her part! Wish to get this done tomorrow.

Home study not here yet. I been talking to our social worker, and director of the whole company, and they are promising to get it done in a couple of days. Hopefully it will not take too long...

Also there was other little things, now there is no point to talk about them........

We are happy, that God is with us, and HE know the perfet timing for everything!!!


Shelly and Carol said...

Awwww you are so sweet! You're very welcome for any help. Don't worry, you will have your child(ren) with you sooner than you think. I thank God for putting us in each others lives! See, He knows what He is doing! :) (Big Smile) Love you guys!

Mike and Gail said...


Let me know if I can be of any help.
