Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Medical almost done!

Yesterday, we went to do our medical tests. I needed to do lab work , and chest X-ray, and for Sergey lab work, and TB test. We was able to do almost everything. I did everything what I was suppose to do, but for Sergey's TB test, they were doing TB only until 4:00 pm. Sergey is working until 3:30 pm, and to get to the hospital it took him about 40-50 minutes, so he was late to do his TB. But he will go back today if he can get out from his work 30 minutes earlier.
To the hospital, I drove from my work with Daniel, so by the time Sergey came we did my lab test, it was fun holding Daniel, and trying not to move because lady was taking my blood, and huge needle was in my body, but we survived that. After that we went to X-ray section, and I had to wait for Sergey to come, because they did let Daniel to go with me, I understand that. So when Sergey came, I went to do myX-ray , and my little man with his daddy went to do Sergey's lab work. By 5:00 pm we were done with everything.

still nothing on our home study:(((((

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