Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Day 13 Friday

We had breakfast and started to get ready to go to Kiev.  My uncle came to Kiev for personal business and we had a little gift from US (my parents) to give it to him.  We were in a hurry, and waited for marshrootka for about 30 minutes – never showed up, and we had to walk to main road to catch different one.
We met with uncle Vasya, my dad’s younger brother. We spend 2 hours together, before he had to go catch his marshrootka, and go back to his city. We had lunch together in Puzata Xata, and then headed to nearest subway station.
Khreshatik is getting ready for Euro 2012. They have many construction projects going on, and it would be nice to see if they will finish it on time for Euro.

*we are at Father's House spending time with kids. They have wi-fi here, and I will try to transfer as much as I can from Word to my blog, and will try to post pictures. 

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