Friday, June 15, 2012

Day 23 Monday-cleaning, fixing

My Monday was interesting, I was still tired, and had many things to do. Our house was a mess when I came, and I had many “surprises” waiting for me. First two weeks my mom watched our kids, and last two weeks my 18 year old cousin came to stay with them. We are appreciated to everyone who tried to help us out and watched our kids. During last week, while my cousin was watching boys, Danilka started to test her and broke many rules that we have in the house, now I know what other areas we have to keep working with Danilka. We never left our boys with anyone else, and it was huge, especially for Danilka. I am so proud of Danilka and Denny for trying act, and be good boys.

Our Denny still doesn’t talk; he does try to talk, but not a lot. His vocabulary is very limited, and he is shy about his talking, and prefers not to talk at all. Sunday evening before I put Denny to sleep, he was keep asking me:” Please don’t’ leave, no more airplane, please stay home”. It brought tears to my eyes, and I do realize that it was very hard especially for Denny to not have me there for him this long. He will be fine, but I think he will not agree to let mommy go to any planes for long long time.

I have two weeks to fix a lot before Sergey come home with Danik and Stasik.

From Sergey-Day 23:
 I woke up and had a breakfast.  Finished some organizing and preparing before our apartment and move to the orphanage. Later I went to spend some time together with boys. 

As always they were so happy to see me couldn’t wait for me to move.  We went to play soccer me and Stasik on one side and Danik and his two friends on other side of the field. We had so much fun, but I got tired very fast. We did lost 4 to 1 but I loved it. But Stasis however didn’t, he was so disappointed that we lost so he stopped play with us at all and was sitting in the corner depressed. I explained to him that it is ok to lose, not always you will win you have to learn to lose, but it was too much for him. I will spend some more time and be working with Stasik.  After that I helped Danik to glue his airplane, that we put it together a while back, so it will be sturdy  and stay together, and Danik can color it the way he want it.  That was all for that day.

In the morning I have to go to Kyiv’s pharmacy, try find and buys some parts for Danik’s glasses. He broke it and hopefully I can find all parts. I miss my wife so much, but I have to be strong for her and my family.

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