Sunday, June 24, 2012

Day 33 in Ukraine

I never had day like this. In the morning at 6:35 am Danik woke me up and said that Stasik did  throw up and asked me go to their room. Stasik also night didn’t sleep well, and was up several times at night, but Danik handled everything on his own, and didn't tell  anyone.  So I came to the room and discover that Stasik's temperature was very high, he was burning. I was cleaning all the mess after my son, and then Natasha (foster mom) woke up and gave him some medicine. Danik was staying next to Stasik all night, and when Stasik  woke him up again in the morning he came to me. It was so nice to see that boys already recognize me as their father and beginning to trust me. Natasha's room is next to boys room, and my room  is two rooms down the hallway, but Danik still came to me when he and his brother needed help. It's wonderful! 

After the medicine, Danik once again checked Stasik, and went back to sleep. That was so amazing how older brother takes care of younger. 

I had to run to do more paperwork in the early morning, but was on the phone all day with foster mom, to see how my son was doing. Later his temperature did go up (104F), and ambulance was called.  Ambulance came an hour later, and by that time regular medicine didn't help to bring Stasik's fever down. 
When ambulance came, they gave him shot of strong medicine, and seems like it did helped little bit. It did go down to102 F but still very high. Looks like he has strep throat( I really hope this is correct spelling, and name). 

In the evening I was running around Kyiv and was looking for all kind of medicine for Stasik that doctor prescribed him. When I arrived to orphanage it was around 11:30 pm.  I brought all kind of stuff. We gave him a lot of them … I monitored Stasik till 3:30 am, and praise the Lord his temperature did go down to 99F.…Also every 30 to 40 minutes I had to clean his throat, with this little procedure that doctor prescribed. I was so happy and felt so relived when he started to feel a little better. 
Tired but very happy I when to sleep because in the morning I had to wake up at 7 am.

After all day running around with paperwork, and trying to accomplish and be few steps ahead, we didn't even moved a little bit. But that is ok, I do understand this is part of process. 


Unknown said...

Wow! Praying for you guys Sergey.
Glad he is feeling better.


Anonymous said...

Sergey, it sounds like strep throat, which is a bacterial infection in the throat that must be treated with antibiotics to kill the bacteria. This is easily treated, but will take a few days for fever to come down and to begin to feel better.

Also, strep throat is very contagious, so there is a good chance you and brother will get it.

When treating the fever, it's good to drink lots of water all the time, and to take acetaminophen (Tylenol) and Ibuprofen (Advil) every 4-6 hours, alternating the medicines- Tylenol, Advil, Tylenol, Advil, etc...